Strawberry-Lime Lemonade
Homemade lemonade is refreshing, invigorating, and much better than store-bought. It’s also easier to make than you might think.
Gather Your Ingredients
Key Equipment
Before You Begin
When purchasing lemons, choose large ones that give to gentle pressure; hard lemons have thicker skin and yield less juice. Lemons and limes are commonly waxed to prevent moisture loss, increase shelf life, and protect from bruising during shipping. Scrub them with a vegetable brush under running water to remove wax, or buy organic fruit. Don’t worry about the seeds in the extracted juice; the entire mixture is strained at the end of the recipe. Serve poured over ice, if desired. Note that we recommend chilling the lemonade for 1 hour prior to serving.
Using potato masher, mash sugar, half of lime slices, and half of strawberries in large bowl until fruit is thoroughly crushed and sugar is completely wet, about 1 minute.
Add water and lemon juice and whisk until sugar is completely dissolved, about 1 minute. Strain mixture through fine-mesh strainer set over large bowl or pitcher, pressing on solids to extract as much juice as possible. Discard solids.
Add remaining lime slices and remaining strawberries to strained lemonade and chill for at least 1 hour. Serve.
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